This document was prepared by the lawyers of the service .


1.1.This privacy policy of the Online Store is for informational purposes, which means that it is not a source of obligations for the Service Recipients or Customers of the Online Store. The Privacy Policy primarily contains rules regarding the Administrator’s processing of personal data in the Online Store, including the grounds, purposes and scope of personal data processing and the rights of data subjects, as well as information regarding the use of cookies and analytical tools in the Online Store.

1.2.The administrator of the personal data collected through the Internet Store is Nikolai Zbrożek doing business under the name SAF Mikołaj Zbrożek entered in the Central Register and Information on Business Activity of the Republic of Poland, maintained by the minister responsible for economic affairs, having: the address of the place of business and address for service: : Szyk 166, 34-620 Jodłownik, NIP 7372041996, REGON 383248482, email address: [email protected], phone number: 510394968– hereinafter referred to as the “Administrator” and being both the Service Provider of the Online Store and the Seller.

1.3.Personal data in the Online Store are processed by the Administrator in accordance with applicable laws, in particular in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of April 27, 2016. on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data and the repeal of Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation) – hereinafter referred to as “RODO” or “RODO Regulation”. The official text of the RODO Regulation:

1.4.Using the Online Store, including making purchases, is voluntary. Similarly, the related provision of personal data by the Customer or Client using the Online Store is voluntary, subject to two exceptions: (1) conclusion of contracts with the Administrator – failure to provide, in the cases and to the extent indicated on the website of the Internet Shop and in the Regulations of the Internet Shop and this privacy policy, personal data necessary for the conclusion and performance of a Sales Contract or an agreement for the provision of Electronic Services with the Administrator results in the impossibility of concluding such a contract. The provision of personal data in such a case is a contractual requirement, and if the data subject wishes to enter into a given contract with the Administrator, he is obliged to provide the required data. Each time the scope of data required to conclude a contract is indicated in advance on the website of the Online Store and in the Regulations of the Online Store; (2) the Administrator’s statutory obligations – providing personal data is a statutory requirement under generally applicable laws imposing an obligation on the Administrator to process personal data (e.g. processing data for tax or accounting purposes) and failure to provide such data will prevent the Administrator from fulfilling these obligations.

1.5.The controller shall exercise special care to protect the interests of the persons whose personal data it processes, and in particular shall be responsible for and ensure that the data it collects are: (1) processed in accordance with the law; (2) collected for designated legitimate purposes and not subjected to further processing incompatible with those purposes; (3) substantively correct and adequate in relation to the purposes for which they are processed; (4) kept in a form that allows identification of the subjects for no longer than necessary to achieve the purpose of the processing; and (5) processed in a manner that ensures adequate security of personal data, including protection against unauthorized or unlawful processing and accidental loss, destruction or damage, by means of appropriate technical or organizational measures.

1.6.Taking into account the nature, scope, context and purposes of the processing and the risk of violation of the rights or freedoms of natural persons of varying probability and severity, the Administrator shall implement appropriate technical and organizational measures for the processing to be carried out in accordance with this Regulation and to be able to demonstrate this. These measures are reviewed and updated as necessary. The Administrator uses technical measures to prevent unauthorized persons from obtaining and modifying, personal data sent electronically.

1.7.All words, phrases and acronyms appearing in this privacy policy and beginning with a capital letter (e.g., Seller, Online Store, Electronic Service) shall be understood in accordance with their definition in the Rules of the Online Store available on the pages of the Online Store.


2.1.The controller is authorized to process personal data in cases where, and to the extent that, at least one of the following conditions is met: (1) the data subject has given his or her consent to the processing of his or her personal data for one or more specified purposes; (2) the processing is necessary for the performance of a contract to which the data subject is a party or to take action at the request of the data subject prior to entering into a contract; (3) the processing is necessary for compliance with a legal obligation incumbent on the Administrator; or (4) processing is necessary for the purposes of legitimate interests pursued by the Controller or by a third party, except where such interests are overridden by the interests or fundamental rights and freedoms of the data subject which require protection of personal data, in particular where the data subject is a child.

2.2.The processing of personal data by the Administrator requires the occurrence of at least one of the grounds indicated in Section. 2.1 privacy policy. The specific bases for the processing of personal data of Service Recipients and Customers of the Online Store by the Administrator are indicated in the next section of the privacy policy – with regard to the particular purpose of processing personal data by the Administrator.


3.1.Each time, the purpose, basis and period and recipients of the personal data processed by the Administrator shall result from the activities undertaken by the respective Service Recipient or Customer in the Online Store or by the Administrator. For example, if the Customer decides to purchase from the Online Store and chooses personal collection of the purchased Product instead of courier delivery, his/her personal data will be processed for the purpose of executing the concluded Sales Agreement, but will no longer be made available to the carrier carrying out shipments on behalf of the Administrator.

3.2.The Administrator may process personal data within the Online Store for the following purposes, on the grounds, and for the periods indicated in the table below:

Purpose data processing Basis legal basis of data processing Period data storage
Implementation Sales contract or contract for the provision of Electronic Services or to take action at the request of the data subject, prior to the conclusion of the aforementioned agreements Article 6 paragraph. 1(b) of the RODO Regulation (performance of a contract) -. processing is necessary for the performance of the contract to which the party is the data subject, or to take action on the the data subject’s request before entering into a contract Data are kept for the period necessary for performance, terminate or otherwise expire the concluded Agreement Sales or Electronic Service Agreement.
Marketing direct Article 6 paragraph. 1(f) of the RODO Regulation (legally justified administrator’s interest) – processing is necessary for the purposes of resulting from the legitimate interests of the Administrator – involving taking care of the interests and good image of the Administrator, its Online Store and the pursuit of sales of Products Data are kept for the period of existence of the legally justified interest pursued by the Administrator, but no longer than the statute of limitations for the Administrator’s claims in the In relation to the data subject by virtue of the conducted By the Administrator of business activities. Period The statute of limitations is determined by law, in particular Civil Code (basic limitation period for claims related to the conduct of business activities is three years, and for a sales contract two years). Administrator may not process data for direct marketing purposes in In the event of an effective objection in this regard by the data subject.
Marketing Article 6 paragraph. 1(a) of the RODO Regulation (consent) – a person to whom the data concerned has consented to the processing of its data personal for marketing purposes by the Administrator
Data are stored until the data subject withdraws his or her consent data subject to further processing of his/her data for this purpose.
Expression by Customer’s opinion about the concluded Sales Agreement Article 6 paragraph. 1(a) of the RODO Ordinance- the data subject. concern has consented to the processing of its data personal for the purpose of expressing an opinion
Data are stored until the data subject withdraws his or her consent data subject to further processing of his/her data for this purpose.
Keeping tax books Article 6 paragraph. 1(c) of the RODO Regulation in conjunction with. from Art. 86 § 1 Tax Ordinance, i.e. dated January 17, 2017. (OJ. z 2017 r. pos. 201) – processing is necessary for the fulfillment of an obligation legal obligation of the Administrator;
Data are kept for the period required by law ordering the Administrator to keep tax books (Until the expiration of the statute of limitations on tax liability, unless otherwise provided by tax laws)
Determination, asserting or defending claims it may raise Administrator or that may be raised against Administrator Article 6 paragraph. 1(f) of the RODO Regulation (legally justified administrator’s interest) – processing is necessary for the purposes of resulting from the legitimate interests of the Administrator – involving the establishment, assertion or defense of claims what can raise the Administrator or what can be raised towards the Administrator
Data are kept for the period of existence of the legally justified interest pursued by the Administrator, but no longer than by the statute of limitations for claims that may be raised against the Administrator (basic limitation period for claims against the Administrator is six years).
Using of the website of the Internet Store and ensuring its proper operation of Article 6 paragraph. 1(f) of the RODO Regulation (legally justified administrator’s interest) – processing is necessary for purposes arising from legitimate interests Administrator – involving the operation and maintenance of the pages of the Internet Shop Data are kept for the period of existence of the legally justified interest pursued by the Administrator, but no longer than the statute of limitations for the Administrator’s claims in the In relation to the data subject by virtue of the conducted By the Administrator of business activities. Period The statute of limitations is determined by law, in particular Civil Code (basic limitation period for claims related to the conduct of business activities is three years, and for a sales contract two years).
Keeping Statistics and analysis of traffic in the Online Store Article 6 paragraph. 1(f) of the RODO Regulation (legally justified administrator’s interest) – processing is necessary for purposes arising from legitimate interests Administrator – consisting of keeping statistics and Analysis of traffic in the Online Store in order to improve Operation of the Online Store and increase sales Products Data are kept for the period of existence of the legally justified interest pursued by the Administrator, but no longer than the statute of limitations for the Administrator’s claims in the In relation to the data subject by virtue of the conducted By the Administrator of business activities. Period The statute of limitations is determined by law, in particular Civil Code (basic limitation period for claims related to the conduct of business activities is three years, and for a sales contract two years).


4.1.For the proper functioning of the Online Store, including the execution of concluded Sales Agreements, it is necessary for the Administrator to use the services of external entities (such as software provider, courier, or payment processor). The controller shall only use the services of such processors who provide sufficient guarantees to implement appropriate technical and organizational measures so that the processing meets the requirements of the RODO Regulation and protects the rights of data subjects.

4.2.The transfer of data by the Administrator does not take place in every case and not to all recipients or categories of recipients indicated in the privacy policy – the Administrator transfers data only when it is necessary to achieve the given purpose of personal data processing and only to the extent necessary to achieve it. For example, if the customer uses personal pickup, his data will not be transferred to the carrier cooperating with the Administrator.

4.3.Personal data of Service Recipients and Customers of the Online Store may be transferred to the following recipients or categories of recipients:

  1. Carriers / freight forwarders / courier brokers / entities handling the warehouse and/or shipping process – in the case of a Customer who uses the method of delivery of the Product by mail or courier in the Online Store, the Administrator shall make the collected personal data of the Customer available to the selected carrier, freight forwarder or broker performing shipments on behalf of the Administrator, and if the shipment is made from an external warehouse – to the entity handling the warehouse and/or shipping process – to the extent necessary to complete the delivery of the Product to the Customer.
  2. entities supporting electronic or credit card payments – In the case of a Customer who uses the Online Store with a electronic or credit card payment method The administrator provides the collected personal data of the customer to the selected to the entity handling the above payments in the Store Internet on behalf of the Administrator to the extent necessary to handling of payments made by the customer.
  3. entities lenders / lessors – In the case of a Customer who uses the Online Store with a the method of payment in the installment system or payment leasing Administrator provides the collected personal data of the Customer to the selected lender or lessor servicing the above payments in the Online Store on behalf of the Administrator in the To the extent necessary to handle payments made by Client.
  4. suppliers feedback survey system – In the case of a customer who has agreed to express an opinion on the concluded Sales Agreement, the Administrator shall make available the collected data Customer’s personal information to the selected system provider surveys evaluating the concluded Sales Agreements in the Store Internet on behalf of the Administrator to the extent necessary to Customer’s expression of opinion through a survey system opinion makers.
  5. suppliers services supplying the Administrator with technical solutions, IT and organizational, enabling the Administrator conducting business, including the Store Internet and the Services provided through it The Electronic Communications Committee (in In particular, suppliers of computer software for running the Online Store, email provider and hosting and a provider of business management software and providing technical assistance to the Administrator) – Administrator makes the collected personal data of the customer available to the selected supplier acting on its behalf only in the case of and in to the extent necessary to fulfill the processing purpose in question data consistent with this privacy policy.
  6. suppliers accounting, legal and consulting services providing Administrator’s accounting, legal or consulting support (in In particular, an accounting office, law firm or company vindication) – Administrator provides collected personal data Customer to the selected supplier acting on its behalf only in the case of and to the extent necessary for the realization of the respective The purpose of the data processing in accordance with this policy privacy.
  7. dostawcy umieszczonych na stronie Sklepu Internetowego wtyczek społecznościowych, skryptów oraz innych podobnych narzędzi umożliwiających przeglądarce osoby odwiedzającej stronę Sklepu Internetowego pobieranie treści od dostawców wspomnianych wtyczek (np. logowanie za pomocą danych logowania do serwisu społecznościowego) i przekazywanie w tym celu tym dostawcom danych osobowych osoby odwiedzającej, w tym również:
    1. Meta Platforms Ireland Ltd. – The Administrator uses Facebook social plug-ins (e.g. Like button, Share or login with Facebook login details) on the website of the Online Store and therefore collects and shares the personal data of the Customer using the website of the Online Store with Meta Platforms Ireland Ltd. (4 Grand Canal Square, Grand Canal Harbour, Dublin 2 Ireland) to the extent and in accordance with the privacy policy available here: (this data includes information about your activities on the Online Store website – including information about your device, sites you visit, purchases, advertisements you see and how you use the services – regardless of whether you have a Facebook account and are logged into Facebook).


5.1.The RODO Regulation imposes an obligation on the Administrator to inform about automated decision-making, including profiling, as referred to in Art. 22 para. 1 and 4 of the RODO Ordinance, and – at least in these cases – relevant information about the principles of their undertaking, as well as the significance and anticipated consequences of such processing for the data subject. With this in mind, the Administrator provides information on possible profiling in this section of the privacy policy.

5.2.The Administrator may use profiling on the Online Store for direct marketing purposes, but the decisions made on its basis by the Administrator do not concern the conclusion or refusal to conclude a Sales Agreement, or the possibility of using Electronic Services on the Online Store. The effect of using profiling in the Online Store may be, for example, to grant a person a discount, send him or her a discount code, remind him or her of unfinished purchases, send a proposal for a Product that may match a person’s interests or preferences, or offer better terms compared to the Online Store’s standard offer. Despite the profiling, it is the individual who freely decides whether he or she would like to take advantage of the discount received in this way or better conditions and make a purchase from the Online Store.

5.3.Profiling on the Online Store consists of automatic analysis or prediction of a person’s behavior on the Online Store website, e.g. by adding a specific Product to the shopping cart, browsing the page of a specific Product on the Online Store, or by analyzing the previous history of purchases made on the Online Store. The condition for such profiling is that the Administrator has the person’s personal data in order to be able to then send him or her, for example, a discount code.

5.4.The data subject has the right not to be subject to a decision that is based solely on automated processing, including profiling, and that produces legal effects on the data subject or similarly significantly affects the data subject.


6.1.Right of access, rectification, restriction, erasure or portability – The data subject has the right to request from the Controller access to his/her personal data, rectification, erasure (“right to be forgotten”) or restriction of processing, and has the right to object to processing, and has the right to portability of his/her data. The specific conditions for exercising the rights indicated above are indicated in Art. 15-21 of the RODO Regulation.

6.2.The right to revoke consent at any time – a person whose data is processed by the Administrator on the basis of consent expressed (pursuant to Art. 6.1(a) or Art. 9 paragraph. 2(a) of the RODO Ordinance), then it has the right to withdraw consent at any time without affecting the legality of the processing carried out on the basis of consent before its withdrawal.

6.3.The right to lodge a complaint to a supervisory authority – a person whose data is processed by the Controller has the right to lodge a complaint to a supervisory authority in the manner and mode specified in the provisions of the RODO Regulation and Polish law, in particular the Personal Data Protection Act. The supervisory authority in Poland is the President of the Office for Personal Data Protection.

6.4.Right to object – the data subject has the right to object at any time – for reasons related to his/her particular situation – to the processing of personal data concerning him/her based on Art. 6 paragraph. 1 lit. (e) (public interest or tasks) or (f) (legitimate interest of the administrator), including profiling under these laws. In such a case, the controller shall no longer be allowed to process such personal data, unless the controller demonstrates the existence of compelling legitimate grounds for the processing that override the interests, rights and freedoms of the data subject, or grounds for establishing, asserting or defending claims.

6.5.Right to object to. Direct marketing – if personal data is processed for direct marketing purposes, the data subject has the right to object at any time to the processing of personal data concerning him or her for such marketing, including profiling, to the extent that the processing is related to such direct marketing.

6.6.In order to exercise the rights referred to in this section of the privacy policy, you may contact the Administrator by sending a relevant message in writing or by e-mail to the Administrator’s address indicated at the beginning of the privacy policy or by using the contact form available on the website of the Online Store.


7.1.Cookies are small text information in the form of text files, sent by the server and stored on the side of the person visiting the site of the Online Store (e.g. on the hard drive of a computer, laptop, or on the memory card of a smartphone – depending on the device used by the visitor to our Online Store). Detailed information on. Cookies, as well as the history of their creation can be found, among others. here:

7.2.Cookies, which can be sent by the website of the Online Store, can be divided into different types, according to the following criteria:

Because of their supplier:
– own (created by the Administrator’s Online Store website) and
– belonging to third parties (other than the Administrator)
Due to their storage period on the device of the person visiting the website of the Internet Shop:
– session ones (stored until logging off from the Internet Shop or switching off the Internet browser)

– Permanent (stored for a specific period of time, defined by the parameters of each file or until manually deleted)
Due to the purpose of their use:
– necessary (to enable the proper functioning of the website of the Online Store),

– Functional/preferential (allowing to adjust the website of the Internet Store to the preferences of the visitor),
– Analytical and performance analysis (gathering information about how the website of the Online Store is used),
– marketing, advertising and social media (collecting information about the person visiting the site of the Internet Store for the purpose of displaying personalized advertising to that person and conducting other marketing activities, including on websites separate from the site of the Internet Store, such as social networks

7.3.The Administrator may process the data contained in cookies when visitors use the website of the Online Store for the following specific purposes:

Goals The use of cookies in the Administrator’s Online Store. Identification Service Recipients as logged in to the Online Store and showing that they are logged in (essential cookies)
remembering Products added to the shopping cart in order to place an Order (cookies necessary)
memorizing data from completed Order Forms, surveys or data logging in to the Online Store (cookies necessary and/or functional/preferential)
adjustments The content of the website of the Internet Store to individual Service Recipient’s preferences (e.g. regarding colors, size font, page layout) and to optimize the use of the pages Online Store (functional/preference cookies)
keeping anonymous statistics showing the use of the the website of the Internet Shop (statistical cookies)
remarketing, that is, to study the behavioral characteristics of visitors to the Online Store Through anonymous analysis of their activities (e.g. recurring visits to specific pages, keywords, etc.) in order to Create their profile and provide them with ads tailored to their Their anticipated interests, including when they visit them other websites in Google’s advertising network Ireland Ltd. and Facebook, i.e. Meta Platforms Ireland Ltd. (Marketing Cookies (Marketing Cookies, advertising and social media)

7.4. Checking in the most popular web browsers what cookies (including the duration of cookies and their provider) are sent at any given time by the website of the Online Store is possible as follows:

W Chrome browser: (1) in the address bar, click on the padlock icon on the left Page, (2) go to the “Cookies” tab. W Firefox browser: (1) in the address bar, click on the shield icon on the left, (2) go to the “Allowed” or “Blocked” tab, (3) click the “Inter-site tracking cookies” box, “Social network tracking elements” or “Content with tracking elements”. W Internet Explorer: (1) click the “Tools” menu, (2) go to the tab “Internet options”, (3) go to the “General” tab, (4) go to the “Settings” tab, (5) click the box “View Files”
W Opera browser: (1) in the address bar, click on the padlock icon on the left Page, (2) go to the “Cookies” tab. w Safari browser: (1) click the “Preferences” menu, (2) go to the tab “Privacy”, (3) click on the box “Manage data sites” Independently from the browser, using tools available, for example, on the page: or:

7.5. By default, most web browsers on the market accept the storage of cookies by default. Everyone has the ability to determine the conditions of use of cookies through the settings of their own web browser. This means that you can, for example, partially limit (e.g. temporarily) or completely disable the ability to save cookies – in the latter case, however, this may affect some of the functionality of the Online Store (for example, it may not be possible to pass the Order path through the Order Form due to not remembering the Products in the shopping cart during the subsequent steps of placing the Order).

7.6. Your browser’s settings regarding cookies are important in terms of your consent to the use of cookies by our Online Store – according to the regulations, such consent can also be given through your browser settings. Detailed information on how to change the settings for cookies and how to delete them yourself in the most popular web browsers is available in the help section of your web browser and on the following pages (just click on the link):

7.7. in Chrome browser

7.8. in Firefox

7.9. in Internet Explorer

7.10. in Opera browser

7.11. in Safari browser

7.12. in the Microsoft Edge browser

7.13.The Administrator may use Google Analytics, Universal Analytics services provided by Google Ireland Limited (Gordon House, Barrow Street, Dublin 4, Ireland) on the Online Store. These services help the Administrator keep statistics and analyze traffic on the Online Store. The data collected is processed as part of the above services to generate statistics to help administer the Online Store and analyze traffic on the Online Store. The data are aggregate in nature. When using the above services on the Online Store, the Administrator collects such data as the sources and medium of acquisition of visitors to the Online Store and the way they behave on the Online Store website, information on the devices and browsers from which they visit the site, IP and domain, geographic data and demographic data (age, gender) and interests.

7.14.It is possible for a person to easily block the sharing of information about his/her activity on the Online Store website with Google Analytics – for this purpose, you can, for example, install a browser add-on provided by Google Ireland Ltd. available here:

7.15.In connection with the possibility that the Administrator uses advertising and analytical services provided by Google Ireland Ltd. in the Online Store, the Administrator indicates that full information about the principles of processing of data of visitors to the Online Store (including information stored in cookies) by Google Ireland Ltd. can be found in the privacy policy of Google services available at:

7.16.The Administrator may use on the Online Store the Facebook Pixel service provided by Meta Platforms Ireland Limited (4 Grand Canal Square, Grand Canal Harbour, Dublin 2, Ireland). This service helps the Administrator measure the effectiveness of advertisements and learn what actions visitors to the Online Store take, and display tailored advertisements to those individuals. You can find detailed information about how the Facebook Pixel works at the following web address:

7.17.You can manage the operation of Facebook Pixel through the ad settings in your account:

7.18 Cookies Policy

Effective from: 14-Feb-2023
Last updated: 14-Feb-2023

This cookie policy explains exactly what cookies are, how we use them, what types of cookies are used on the site i.e. what information is collected using cookies, how this information is used and how to manage your cookie settings.

7.18.1 What are Cookies?

Cookies are text files used to store small pieces of information. They are stored on your device when the page is loaded on your browser. These cookies allow us to ensure that the site functions properly, enhance its security, provide a better user experience, they also allow us to understand how the site functions, analyze what works and where it needs improvement.

7.18.2 How do we use Cookies?

Like most online services, our site uses its own cookies and those belonging to third parties for several purposes. Custom first-party cookies are necessary for the proper functioning of the site and do not store any personal information.

Third-party cookies used on the site are mainly used to understand how the site works, how the user interacts with it, ensure the security of the service, provide marketing and advertising services tailored to the user – in short, provide an improved, personalized user experience and accelerate future user interactions with the site.

7.18.3 Types of cookies used on the site

<div class="cky-audit-table-element"></div>

7.18.4 Manage your cookie preferences.

<a class="cky-banner-element">Cookie Settings</a> <br/>

<div><p>Możesz zmienić swoje preferencje dotyczące plików cookie w każdej chwili klikając przycisk powyżej. To pozwoli na ponowne odwiedzenie formularza zgód na użytkowanie plików cookie i zmianę preferencji, bądź anulowanie zgód.</p><p>Dodatkowo różne przeglądarki zapewniają różne metody blokowania i usuwania plików cookie używanych przez strony. Możesz zmienić swoje ustawienia przeglądarki na zablokuj/usuń ciasteczka. Poniżej umieściliśmy listę artykułów wyjaśniających jak zarządzać i usuwać pliki cookies w poszczególnych wyszukiwarkach.&nbsp;</p><p>Chrome: <a target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" href=""></a></p><p>Safari: <a target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" href=""></a></p><p>Firefox: <a target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" href=";redirectlocale=en-US">;redirectlocale=en-US</a></p><p>Internet Explorer: <a target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" href=""></a></p><p>Jeżeli używasz innej wyszukiwarki, proszę odwiedź oficjalne dokumenty wsparcia dostawcy tej wyszukiwarki.</p></div>

Policy generated by: CookieYes – Cookie Policy Generator.


8.1.The Online Store may contain links to other websites. The administrator urges that when you go to other sites, read the privacy policy established there. This privacy policy applies only to the Administrator’s Online Store.